Wednesday 4 November 2015

Why I Joined: David Law

In the next of in a series of blogposts introduciing the Study Tour team, over to you David Law...

Compare and contrast: a familiar format for examination questions and one that serves well.  If you want to understand the context in which you work it helps to see things ‘from the outside’.  This is a primary reason why AUA runs study trips to other HE systems.  We need comparison with others.

On this trip I will be interested, in particular, in two questions.  Firstly, how do leading institutions in the Netherlands understand and implement the internationalisation of higher education?  Secondly, what is it like being a British student in Dutch HE?

As the Principal Editor of the AUA’s Perspectives journal, I want also to see whether we can spread our wings a bit.  Perhaps there will be interest from Dutch colleagues in submitting articles? Are there lessons that we can learn from each other’s experience of policy development?

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